Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Can Environmental Pollution Cause Asthma?

There have been a range of studies over the past few decades that have shown a significant rise in the chronic disease asthma. Our environment is growing more polluted with what we are putting in the air, burying in the ground or spray on our food. These chemicals are starting to have adverse affects on our bodies with an increase in disease and illness. Recognition of this increase is evident and the world is taking notice and trying to change things. But is it too late? A young reporter did a study on infants being born with over 200 different types of chemicals and toxins inside their bodies. Some are known carcinogens that can cause cancer and other diseases. She was so struck by this amount of toxins in the infants that she did a study on her blood to see what she had in her body. What she found was astonishing. A PCB (polychlorinated Biphenyls) that had been banned in the U.S. 30 years ago was found in her blood.

After 30 years of being banned, the PCB's were found in her blood, what does that mean? It means that our world is a toxic playground of environmental pollutions, which wreak havoc on our bodies. There is no ban in other 3rd world countries to stop the production of this chemical. With the rise in diseases like Asthma and other respiratory diseases, there is no doubt that environmental pollution is playing a big role in what affects our bodies. It causes us to become sick and contract disease. What can we do about this? The damage has already been done, so now it is up to us to find ways to remove the toxins from our bodies. There are several things you can do in your home to help minimize the flow of toxins into your body. Here are some ideas to limit exposure.

  • Clean fruits and vegetables before you eat them.
  • Use an air filter inside your home to help filter the air.
  • Stay inside your home on bad pollution days.
  • Use a vacuum that uses a filter made to limit the dust exhaust.
  • On good days try to spend more time outdoors, indoor air can sometimes be worse than outdoor air.
  • Live where industrial pollution is the lowest.

These are just a few ideas on how you can minimize your intake of environmental toxins. Over the past few decades, the burning of coal has subsided considerably. The plants that burn coal produce emissions of sulfur dioxide and other particulate matter. As our world becomes more populated, the increase in motor vehicles is on the rise and so is the pollution that comes from their exhaust. The most harmful emissions to date are the emissions made from diesel engines. Diesel emissions have several known carcinogens in it that have been shown to cause respiratory distress and even cancer. An example; When inhaler medication were being tested they were trying to find the exact particulate size of aerosol medication it would take to reach into the deepest part of the lungs. What they found was a particulate size of 2.5 microns was the perfect size to reach the deepest part of the lung. What is alarming to me is that the particulates in the smoke coming from these trucks are the exact size of 2.5 microns. That means those pollutants are being inhaled by all of us and they're finding their way into the deepest part of our lungs, staggering.

At this point in time there is no exact cause of asthma. I believe that asthma for the most part is caused by what we have done to our planet, with the environmental pollution that we fill our world with on a daily basis. There is no hiding from it because it is everywhere and in everything. The best way to battle this growing problem is not fighting it from the outside in but fighting the battle from the inside out. What I mean is we need to find a way to remove the toxic burden that is already inside all of us. This will stop the development of disease and illness that comes from within. My son was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 4 and all we did was find a natural way to remove toxins that didn't have any kind of side effects and the results are staggering. To this day his prescription drugs and inhaler collect dust on a shelf. He has regained his freedom from this horrific disease. Fighting the battle against a disease like asthma from the inside out made sense to me, how about you? maintains a trade directory that contains information on pollution control equipment exporter from India, pollution monitoring equipment supplier from India, air pollution control equipment exporters in India, air cleaning equipment, water treatment plant exporters, environment protection products supplier form business to business trade India.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Pollution of Photochemical Smog

Photochemical smog is mainly caused by automobile exhaust and industrial emissions. After olefin hydrocarbons and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the automobile exhaust are emitted into the air, under the intense ultraviolet irradiation, they will absorb the energy of the sunlight. After the molecules of these materials absorb the energy of the sunlight, they will become unstable, and the existing chemical chain will be destroyed and form into a new substance. This chemical reaction is known as photochemical reaction, and the product is the photochemical smog which is highly toxic.

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) mainly refer to nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide. Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide are both harmful gases to human body. After receiving the intense ultraviolet irradiation in the atmosphere, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons (HC) will produce a new secondary pollutant--photochemical smog. During this complex photochemical reaction, it mainly produces photochemical oxidants (mainly ozone) and other complex compounds, which are generally called as "photochemical smog".

As the car plays an increasingly important role in modern life, the pollution caused by vehicle emissions has become increasingly serious, which is a great threat to the physical and mental health of city dwellers.

Through the test and analysis, experts point out, in addition to these main components mentioned above, there are totally 150 to 200 different kinds of compounds in the gases emitted from automobiles, such as nitric acid, aldehyde and ketone, and so on. When these harmful gases spread into the environment, they will cause air pollution. Recently, the study from World Environmental Organization reported that, if the density of the car is more than 100 vehicles per square kilometer, the living environment will be destroyed. While this only refers to the car, the pollution caused by a truck or a bus is equal to that caused by five cars. What's worse, the heavy-duty truck will seriously pollute the air, and damage the vegetation and water beside the road.

In recent years, China has taken a series of comprehensive measures to prevent and control photochemical smog, including the formulation of laws and regulations. For example, in the big cities where the pollution is very serious, our country has formulated strict standard for air quality and for the emission of various types of vehicle exhaust. At the same time, China highly encourages the development of natural gas vehicles and electric vehicles, improve gasoline quality, and promote the use of lead-free gasoline. What's more, the use of natural gas and electric vehicles is also a necessary choice for China to achieve the strategy of sustainable development. maintains a trade directory that contains information on pollution control equipment exporter from India, pollution monitoring equipment supplier from India, air pollution control equipment exporters in India, air cleaning equipment, water treatment plant exporters, environment protection products supplier form business to business trade India.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How to Reduce Pollution in Towns!

I will now tell you a true story. We have been traveling a lot B and me, and there are two places we like more than others. The first place is Laguna Niguel in California, USA and the second place is Perth in Australia.

The politicians in Perth have really managed to do one thing regarding getting cars out of town.

Its easy, just put a few buses up to run in and around the town. Let them run every 8 minutes and do not charge anything. Good is it not?

Do you wonder what this does to the atmosphere in the town? Its very laidback - very nice. No stress what so ever. And there is less pollution in the air. So the next question is why is this not done in every town?

Could it be that the politicians in Perth were able to look beyond the budget concerning the towns welfare.

Or perhaps Laguna Niguels solution is good too. This town was planned on the drawing table before building. That means it is no more than 10 to 15 minutes to whatever you want to do: seaside, shopping, cinema etc

This is so much better than what the politician in Norway has been able to come up with! They only raise the cost of petrol and put up toll ring every where, and that does not stop the cars driving in to Towns.

In Norway they should make parking houses around the outskirts of every Towns and do what they do in Perth, Australia. Free buses in Towns, that way they really take the responsibility of infrastructure and pollution. maintains a trade directory that contains information on pollution control equipment exporter from India, pollution monitoring equipment supplier from India, air pollution control equipment exporters in India, air cleaning equipment, water treatment plant exporters, environment protection products supplier form business to business trade India.

History And Causes Of Environmental Pollution

The surroundings in which we live all living and non living materials are called our environment. The factors or pollutants which cause disturbance in natural environment are called pollution. Ecosystem (The natural process of producers and consumers) is destroyed due to some harmful human activities is called Pollution.

Pollution is a kind of harmful effect of the excess use of chemicals and energy resources like heat, light, sound etc.


The pollution history is as old as the history of man when he developed new era for existing and maintaining new lines of fulfillment of his needs. Human science starts when man invented wheel and fire. Gradually the human population increased and to improve the life, science developed.

Increase of scientific inventions and to get comforts produce many issues in which pollution became popular and burning issue. In 1952, after 2nd World War a non nuclear event taken place and four thousand people killed. Then the first clean air Act of 1956 passed. After that many acts are passed to check the pollution on international level as

  • Noise control Act.
  • Clean Water Act.
  • National Environmental Policy Act.

The most dangerous Aspect of Modern Science.

Nuclear science development introduced the term of radio-activeness, the uncontrolled destruction of items of uranium is the most dangerous aspect for all kind of lives on the earth. This nuclear pollution can destroy the whole world in seconds.


Due to the excess use of energy resources and establishment of industry are the main causes of pollution. After 2nd world war people aware about the negative use of scientific of inventions. Then modern scientists give the term of global warming and ozone layer.

Through media and the progress in information technology now people are much more aware about their environment and threat of pollution. Now many organizations have been developed and many international rules are being enforced to check environmental pollution.

Kinds of Pollution

Basically there are three kinds of pollution.

1. Air Pollution
2. Water Pollution
3. Land Pollution

Air Pollution:

The excess release of chemicals and smoke in the air through industry and vehicles make more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is the major cause of Global Warming and the destruction of Ozone Layer. These increase the temperature of Earth.

Water Pollution:

Industries use a plenty of water so these establish mostly on the banks of rivers, canals and lakes. The waste chemical throw in the water which make a layer on water, this layer not allow oxygen to dissolve in water to reach the living organisms in water. This water is not suitable to use in any kind of activity for living things.

Land Pollution:

To fulfill the nutrition needs of increasing population we have to use fertilizers and pesticides. These things polluted the soil. Secondly when air is polluted and water is polluted these produce acid rain this water absorbs in the soil and left harmful chemicals on the land which cause land pollution. maintains a trade directory that contains information on pollution control equipment exporter from India, pollution monitoring equipment supplier from India, air pollution control equipment exporters in India, air cleaning equipment, water treatment plant exporters, environment protection products supplier form business to business trade India…

Monday, November 1, 2010

Main Causes of Water Pollution

Today, the world is facing one of the most serious problems of humanity and other forms of life, pollution. It is a known fact that pollution is very rampant all over the globe. Just look around and you will see rivers, lakes, beaches that are murky, stinky, and lifeless. Plastic, empty cans, bottles, and other trash have replaced the fishes and other wonderful marine creatures that used to reside under water. Yet, when scarcity arises and when epidemics occur many point their fingers to others and turn their backs from the responsibility. But in fact there is no one else to blame but the people. Man is the main cause of water pollution.

People pollute the water with chemicals and other hazardous materials. People have no regard to water - their source of life. They do not realize that this once abundant resource is rapidly being contaminated due to their negligence and carelessness.

Waste disposal has always been a chronic problem, not only because of the quantity of wastes, but because of its kind and the inadequate provision for a good system and technology to address the problem. There are many sources of water pollution but it is not the source that is really causing the problem but the improper disposal of the pollutants. People resort to careless disposal because it is cheaper, more advantageous, or simply convenient to them.

When you are taking a bath using your favorite shampoo or whenever you wash your laundry using no other than the best detergent in town, it is certain that before buying those products you really never consider asking yourself whether their contents can harm the environment or not. What mattered more was the scent and softness of your hair and the clean comfort of your clothes. Instead of finding an environmental friendly product, you simply chose convenience and your satisfaction of meeting your interests. However, if you will support environmental friendly products and become more conscientious of how you can avoid contributing to water pollution, then the world has gotten rid of one polluter.

In the same way, if chemical factories are only equipped with better facilities that can release treated wastewater, there will be no harm done to the lakes or rivers where they dump their by products. If home owners associations will work to build and provide their subdivisions with sewage treatment facilities, eutrophication can be controlled and dying bodies of water will be spared. But as mentioned, polluters choose the easier way where they can save on operation costs and where they can rid themselves of the hassles of responsibility. Anyway, they are not affected by the effects of their misdeeds.

Aside from improper and careless waste disposal, another main cause of water pollution is toxic substances coming from industrial, agricultural and domestic use. Trace elements of lead, cadmium, mercury, dioxins are detected in different water sources which sometimes accumulate in the water supply causing health problems. These toxic substances come from industries such mining, power plants, automobile manufacturers and others that produce toxic substances leading to bodies of water. Apart from these industries, these toxic materials contaminate the water through accidents like chemical or oil spills.

One more main cause of water pollution is the presence of excessive nutrients in the water. Nitrogen and phosphorous compounds that generally come from sewage, fertilizers, and animal manure are good food sources of algae. Excess nutrients in water also result to excessive growth of algae that deprive aquatic plants and animals adequate levels of oxygen to survive. Because of this many aquatic organisms die and decay which aggravates the problem.

Lastly, another considerable main cause of water pollution is sedimentation. Although it is hard to imagine how soil particles can contribute to water pollution, but it does. When huge amount of solid particles accumulate in water, whether due to deforestation, farming, or soil erosion, the sediments cloud the spawning grounds of fishes leading to their gradual extinction.

Humans greatly affect the environment. People will either be heroes or villains of Mother Nature. Toxic substances, algal bloom, sedimentation are all end results of human activities. These pollutants are not the real evils of water pollution but the people behind every wrong disposal and negligence. Unless man realizes that it is not the prohibition of pollutants nor banning industrial productions that should be changed but the behavior and attitude he possesses towards his environment, the rivers, lakes, and other water systems have no hope to be saved.